Powering-Up Image Curation with Smart ImageScan

Social Media Image Analysis
Using powerful social media image analysis software we’ve given you the ability to instantly showcase the best content on your Miappi social wall with the least amount of effort.
Introducing: ImageScan – Image Curation Software
ImageScan is a Power Up feature which you can now add to your Miappi dashboard. With Image Curation Software you can minimize the time spent curating your social wall and maximize its potential impact by displaying the right content fast.
Image curation with ImageScan can take your marketing strategy to the next level. We don’t just collect and display content for our customers, we analyse it in detail to reveal the most compelling stories and images… and now we can do it faster, much faster in fact. For example, a human moderator can review and consider about 2000 Tweets per day. Our technology can review 200,000 Tweets per day. That’s quite a helping hand when time’s tight and you need the right content, fast!
Moderate Images automatically
The foundations of Miappi’s time saving technology lie on a sophisticated Rules Engine. We built it in house to cherry pick the best content. Until now, our smart Rules Engine has worked with the text contained within a social media post. Starting today, ImageScan will allow our clients to automatically moderate images and video too.
What is image moderation and how it works?
When a new image or video reaches Miappi, ImageScan will decide if it should be white listed or grey listed. The decision takes milliseconds and depends on a list of filters you can set in the Rules Engine. The filters can include one or more of the following:
- Logos
- Landmarks
- Objects
- People
- Sentiment
- Colours
- Text
What the filters really mean
With logos brands will be able to identify and detect their logos within user generated Instagram or Twitter photos. With landmarks they will detect popular natural and man made structures within an image. When it comes to objects ImageScan allows its users to detect broad sets of categories within an image. Those range from modes of transportation to animals. Multiple faces within an image, along with the associated key facial attributes like emotional state or wearing headwear are some of the details detected regarding the people and sentiment filters. Finally, one of the most cool features of our image recognition software, allows for the detection and extraction of the text within an image. We also support the detection of general attributes of the image, such as dominant colours and appropriate crop hints.How to use it
The choice is yours, and it can be impressively specific and ideal for brands with a strong image to maintain. Once you’ve created your list of specific criteria, ImageScan will check your incoming visual content. It will combine the information it retrieves with other data about the post. Finally, it will analyse it against all of your specifications to curate a pitch perfect social wall with virtually zero input from you.Getting Started with image curation software
First launched in beta in Q4 2016, we’re very happy with how ImageScan is performing. That is why we are now rolling out our new feature (Image Curation) to anyone who needs it. Later on this year we will also be pioneering a range of language sentiment analysis tools, so keep your eyes peeled for even more ways to dig deeper and uncover those valuable nuggets of content!Want to add ImageScan to your Miappi dashboard? REQUEST A DEMO today.