Social Media Aggregator Miappi Increases Social Media Reach

The Social Media Aggregator Revolution is Here
Companies can spend a huge amount of time and money creating original content for social media, but social networks, including Facebook, limit the amount of content shown to your followers. Some estimates say only 2% of your Followers see your posts. To make matters worse, the proliferation of social networks means that customers rarely get to see all the content intended for them. By creating a social media wall with Miappi you are taking back control. A social wall lets you maximize the reach of existing social media content.
Using Miappi you can curate and moderate your owned content, plus user generated content, to create a social experience perfectly pitched to your audience…an experience that you can be confident they will all see.
Miappi brings together social content (photos, videos, stories) from multiple social networks (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Tumblr and more) into one visual social ‘magazine’. This social magazine hosts the best social content the brand has to offer.
Brands can unitfy their own (owned) created social media content along with fan-created (earned) hashtag content together in a way that will either automatically update or can be curated by the brand.
Once the content feeds have been chosen, the brand decides where they want to display their social wall. They can choose to add it to their website, to an app to use it at a live event (or all of these at the same time).
In addition to adding owned content the brand’s followers can also generate their own content by via conversations around hashtags. Social audiences can provide content that is authentic, constantly changing, and often beautiful and unexpected.
Miappi lets brands engage with their social audiences far beyond the walled gardens of the social media parent platforms. Syndicating brand and user generated social content can invigorate a corporate website. The social network may gently touch a consumer almost every day, while the brand website, app or live event can be curated using Miappi to reflect the very best social content around that brand has collected together.
Make the valuable visible. REQUEST A DEMO today to learn how to showcase amazing content which presents your brand at its best.