Earned Media: A New Generation of Brand Marketing
Dane Cobain

Forget owned and paid media. In 2018, more and more marketers find that earned media value trumps owned media value. Better still, that holds true across a variety of industries and for both B2Cs and B2Bs. Let’s take a quick refresher.
- Owned media covers assets like your website and your email marketing list which belong specifically to you. Paid media covers PPC ads, sponsored updates on social networking sites and other advertising.
- That leaves earned media (or earned content), which covers shares on social networking sites, write-ups on blogs and other editorial press coverage.
The value of Earned Media vs. Owned Media
Let’s discount paid media, not because it’s not a valid tactic but because it’s rarely the cheapest and it’s not always sustainable. Earned media and owned media are both vulnerable to the snowball effect in which they deliver greater and greater returns over time. Paid media only delivers greater returns if you increase the budget. That leaves earned media marketing and owned media marketing, and both of them have their advantages. The truth is that the two of them can work even better when they work together. Owned media brings in the eyes in the first place and then earned media takes over when people start to share it. It’s those shares that make earned media so powerful. When people share your content, it adds an element of trust to it. This trust is called social proof and it makes people more likely to make a purchase . It also dramatically increases the reach of your content and ultimately makes it far more powerful.