Miappi partners with Trustpilot

From adding hashtags to using tags, we are living in an age where people can easily have their say on social media about the brands they know and love. These online conversations represent an unmissable marketing opportunity for brands as they can leverage positive sentiment about their products in order to boost trust and word-of-mouth sales. 

But making this happen is no easy task: without the help of the right technology, this process takes up a great deal of time, energy and resources.

This is why, to make things easier and cost-effective for brands, Miappi has partnered with Trustpilot for a new powerful integration.
SEE IT IN ACTION But before we talk about this new partnership and how people-powered brands can benefit from it, let’s take a look at how user-generated content can help both your brand and your customers. 

Customer reviews matter more than ever. Why?

Because more and more people today are connecting with brands online and relying on social platforms to understand more about companies or make a purchase: according to research by We Are Social, in 2021 more than 46% of users aged 16 to 64 searched online for a brand or a product to buy, while over 75% used social media to follow brands or research them and their products.

To better understand the consumer decision making process, let’s have a look at the following statistics.

According to Nielsen Global Trust In Advertising Report, 92% of consumers around the world trust earned media, such as recommendations from friends and family, above all other forms of advertising. But there’s more: as found by We Are Social in July 2021, almost 25% of users discovered brands through consumer review sites and recommendations or comments on social media.

With this in mind, it’s pretty clear that people look for genuine, reliable feedback when making a purchase or simply connecting with brands.

The power of user-generated content and reviews 

Unsurprisingly, one of the easiest ways for brands to make a great ‘first impression’ is through positive content and reviews from consumers who swear by their products.

The power of UGC is undeniable. By leveraging more transparent and unbiased content such as images, videos and reviews created by customers for other customers, companies can drastically boost their brand trust and loyalty and ultimately increase sales. 

The stats don’t lie: HubSpot Research found that 60% of consumers believed customer reviews were either trustworthy or very trustworthy. This means that good reviews are very likely to help a customer make a purchase decision.

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How your customers can become your brand advocates

So people on social media are saying great things about your brand and products. Great! What now? 

Have you ever thought about making the most of those voices and letting them tell your brand story to new customers? 

According to BrightLocal Consumer Review Survey 2020, 68% of customers will leave a review if they’re asked. So why not engage with consumers who are already talking about you online and tap into those conversations to get new valuable feedback? After all, users who are already tagging or mentioning your brand on social media are more likely to share a written review when asked.

The new Miappi for Trustpilot integration

The power of customer reviews is something that brands cannot afford to ignore.  

So how can you generate more reviews from satisfied customers to attract new consumers, build trust and increase sales? 

This is where Miappi can help. And this is why we have joined forces with Trustpilot.

At Miappi we believe in the power of authenticity and our mission is to make it easier for brands to leverage impactful UGC to increase engagement and conversions across digital marketing channels.

Trustpilot understands the importance of customer reviews and how sharing your experiences helps others make better choices and companies up their game.

So what does this partnership mean for your brand and how can you unlock the full potential of your consumer content?

The new Miappi for Trustpilot integration allows you to get the best out of both platforms, allowing our mutual clients to leverage positive sentiment on social media and generate brand new Trustpilot reviews.



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Using Miappi technology, you can find and license brand-relevant UGC from social media. Now you can also invite the customers behind that content to create a new Trustpilot review, which will be paired with your rights-managed images and videos.

While the new review goes into the Trustpilot ecosystem, a copy of that, now paired with the image, is also available in Miappi to publish across your preferred marketing channels - including websites, live events, store-screens and social media - to showcase your products and services, attract new customers and drive sales.

For more information on this partnership

Are you interested in learning more about how the integration works and how to connect Trustpilot with Miappi?

Click here to read our step-by-step support guide or get in touch!

About Trustpilot

Founded in 2007 with a vision to create an independent currency of trust, Trustpilot is a digital platform that brings businesses and consumers together to foster trust and inspire collaboration. It’s free to use, open to everybody, and built on transparency.

Trustpilot hosts reviews to help consumers shop with confidence, and deliver rich insights to help businesses improve the experiences they offer. If you're not already using Trustpilot, claim your business's profile and set up your account today.

About Miappi

Miappi is the all-in-one marketing solution for discovering and leveraging great user-generated content (UGC) to boost engagement, lead-generation and sales at the same time as managing relationships with consumers. Our Miappi Content platform facilitates the collection, curation and publication of rights-managed content including images, videos and reviews. 

In 2021, we launched a new platform – Miappi Community. This sister platform to Miappi Content makes it easier for brands to co-create media with their most vocal brand advocates and engage more successfully with brand-fans in general.
